The Borana live in the Oromia region of southern Ethiopia. Despite holding off major industrial change, they are in land disputes with the government and other pastoralist groups in Kenya. Photo credit: CGIAR, ILRI/S.Mann
Category: Ethiopia
Anywaa (Anuak) vs. Nuer vs. Gambella
The Anywaa are an agro-pastoralist group living in Gambella. The Nuer are pastoralists who primarily live in South Sudan, but have found much of their population fleeing to Gambella as refugees, resulting in conflict with the Anywaa. Today, the country is reportedly home to the world’s most internally displaced peoples. Photo credit: Francois Servranckx/MSF
The Afar
The Afar pastoralist group’s way of life is at risk from the Ethiopian Government, who allocated their land to large-scale agriculture and sugar industries. As a result, the Afar have resistance organizations seeking a multi-dimensional resolution defending their land rights. Photo credit: ADH/Stefan Trappe
Grand Renaissance Dam vs. Berta and Gumuz
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is a large hydroelectric dam constructed by the Ethiopian government in the Benishangul-Gumuz Region of Ethiopia, which borders Sudan. While expected to provide the country with many benefits, the dam also presents several harmful aspects, like the displacement of the indigenous people of the area, the Berta and the Gumuz.