Himba vs. Hydroelectric Dam Proposals in Kunene Region

The OvaHimba [Himba] have held onto their traditional pastoralist lifestyle to this day despite many droughts, wars, and land grab attempts. They face new challenges as the government seeks to build dams on the Kunene River. Photo Credit: Hans Hillewaert

Wodaabe vs. Niger

The Wodaabe are an indigenous people found in Niger and throughout North Africa. While they follow the nomadic lifestyle of cattle herding and some trading, their land rights are threatened by the Nigerien government’s encouragement of farm settlements. Photo Credit: Meryt Harding

Ogoni vs. Shell

Ogoni have faced devastating effects of the presence of Shell Oil company in Ogoniland in Nigeria since the 1950s. They also face discrimination from the Nigerian government, which favors the oil company over the local community. Photo Credit: Spilled News

The Landless Twa of Rwanda

33,000 Twa (Batwa) account for less than one percent of the Rwandan population and are the most vulnerable population living there. Twa are landless and many struggle to make a living in modern society. The government only recognizes Twa as “historically marginalized.” Photo Credit: Nick Ashdown

Khoisan in South Africa

Photo Credit: Atlanta Black Star

Indigenous Peoples vs. Al Ain Wildlife

In the Jonglei Region of South Sudan, indigenous Anuak, Murle, Jie, and Kachipo communities were forced to relocate because of a land deal between the government and the UAE company Al Ain National Wildlife, which seeks to use the land for a national park and lodge. Photo Credit: Africa Sustainable Conservation News