The Mau Forest complex – which spans four Kenyan districts including Kericho, Nakuru, Bomet, and Narok – is rapidly declining due to human deforestation.
Tag: Human Rights Watch
The Endorois
The African Commission ruled in 2010 that the eviction of the Endorois is a violation of their rights. Photo credit: Minority Rights Group
Fulani Herders vs. Farmers
Land scarcity, population growth, and herder restrictions spark ongoing violence between the Muslim Fulani herders and Christian farmers in Nigeria. Picture Credit: Adriane Ohanesian from New York Times
Indigenous Peoples vs. Gibe III Dam
The Mursi and Nyangatom are two of many pastoralist groups in the SNNPR region of Ethiopia, and surrounding area, who risk losing access to their resources, especially water, because of a series of dams being built along the Omo River. Photo credit: Salini Impregilo
Investors Harm Herders in Gambella
A total of 1.2 million hectares of land in Gambella has been allocated for investors. These projects are seen as a threat to the livelihood of several pastoralist groups in the region. In 2018, more land continues to be sold to investors. Photo credit: Alfredo Bini
Luba and Batwa Conflict
A conflict between Batwa group members, a marginalized hunter-gatherer group, and Luba members, a Bantu ethnic group, has resulted in hundreds of deaths, thousands of displaced peoples and ethnic tension in the former Katanga Region. Photo Credit: Thomas Nicolon (Mongabay)