Karamojong vs. Land Grabbing

Karamojong pastoralists are an impoverished, historically marginalized group without political representation. They have suffered in the past from land grabs for conservation by the government. Open grazing land is dwindling and their entire way of life is at risk. Today, government officials seek to abolish pastoralism in the region.

Anywaa (Anuak) vs. Nuer vs. Gambella

The Anywaa are an agro-pastoralist group living in Gambella. The Nuer are pastoralists who primarily live in South Sudan, but have found much of their population fleeing to Gambella as refugees, resulting in conflict with the Anywaa. Today, the country is reportedly home to the world’s most internally displaced peoples. Photo credit: Francois Servranckx/MSF

Basarwa/San vs. Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Basarwa/San are hunter-gatherers indigenous to southern Africa, traditionally living in the Kalahari Desert and Central Kalahari Game Reserve. Although the reserve was given to the group in the 1960’s, the Botswana government has forced them out over time to pursue mining development and tourism there instead. Photo Credit: SI