Analyzing the Conditions of Tamazight Language Revitalization in Morocco.
Category: Ethnic Group
Sahrawi vs Land Grabbing in the Western Sahara
For decades, the Sahrawi people of the Western Sahara have fought occupation, and today face a new reality of eviction and cultural erasure.
Sahrawi vs Resource Extraction in the Western Sahara
As the Moroccan government illegally extracts mineral and agricultural wealth from occupied Sahrawi lands, indigenous communities suffer.
Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline vs. Bakola/Bagyeli
The large extraction project poses negative social, environmental, and health impacts on indigenous peoples in Cameroon.
Kilosa and Mvomero
Farmers encroaching on pastoralist village land has led to violent conflict in Kilosa and Mvomero districts.
Mbororo vs. Civil Strife
An ongoing civil war between Anglophone Cameroonians and the Francophone government has led to increasing ethnic tensions and strife that has consequently contributed to the displacement and loss of livelihood of pastoralist Mbororo.
Mau Forest Evictions of Maasai
The Mau Forest complex – which spans four Kenyan districts including Kericho, Nakuru, Bomet, and Narok – is rapidly declining due to human deforestation.
Maragoli vs. Agribusiness and the Republic of Uganda
Pushing Back Against Human Rights Violations By the Republic of Uganda, Police, and Multinational Agribusiness Corporations
African Parks Foundation vs. Indigenous Peoples
Evictions of Mursi and other indigenous peoples in Omo and Nechisar National Parks, Ethiopia. Photo Credit: Anne Steinbach Clemens Sehi
Denial of Legal Recognition for Baka in Cameroon
Indigenous Baka face violence and precarious conditions from conservation, mining, logging, and rubber plantations.